Fantasy Stocks & Crypto Trading
AI-Powered Portfolio Builders, leaderboards and dozens of daily events.

What you can do
Private Events
Trade in private events against your friends and family, or anyone with your access code. You can choose your access code when you create an event.
Online Events
Trade in events against traders from all around the World and test your skills and luck (lets be honest) against the Worlds best (or worst).
News & Videos
Watch the news, read articles and follow resources from Bloomberg, Market Watch, FT, Stock Twits and more. Stay in touch and in tune with the markets movements.
AI-Portfolio Builder
Build portfolios using our AI-Generated portfolio builders. These allow traders to launch high, medium and low risk portfolio's into events without manually picking stocks to save time.
Stats & Data
Visit your player statistics and see what, where and how you're trading. From performance metrics, to event history, all the way down to your recent trades.
Like every true bragger in the finance community, it's time to put your money where your mouth is. Check out local and global leaderboards!
Frequently Asked
All events, whether they're custom or online are totally free! You can create and enter and unlimited amount of events in private or public areas for free.
For an office trade off, just like fantasy, we recommend a total free for all, where all traders can trade stocks and crypto's in their portfolio's. May the best trader win...
There is no real money being traded in the Unicorn app. It is strictly fantasy trading, using fake USD. The portfolio values and change in ROI is reflective of your trading performance however.
The Unicorn ranking system, follows the same system that all the banks and firms do! You start at the Analyst Level (3 levels), then progress through associate, VP, Director and Partner levels as you get better at the game. The ranking system isn't based purely on performance, but also time and events played. However if you will take longer for you to get promoted...
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